Is South America really a continent?


The debate has been raging on for decades now about the fabled “South America”. Is it a simple mater whether or not the land mass is fact or fiction. Many experts believe that this is an old story conjured up by the english settlers arriving too the new world. An excerpt from “Holy crap they’re speaking Spanish” by Sir.James Williamson, states the following:

“We traveled South down the coast once we hit land. There were stories of natives living further south past the Mexican Territory and into uncharted land. We approached the bay of where the Mexican Territory was suppose to end and sea was to begin once again. But there was not sea. But sat there was a young native and he spoke to us. He was speaking fricken Spanish. We shot at him and traveled up too Virginia, never to return.” 

Others believe that this Williamson had sailed around the coast of Mexico and landed in present day California where the Spanish speaking Ukrainians had reached years before. Needless to say, the debate rages on, and no end is in sight.

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